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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

British Values

The DFE expects all schools to play a part in preparing pupils positively for life in modern Britain and promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and those without faith.

We actively promote the British values through our school ethos and culture, our curriculum (including RE and PSHE) and by engaging our pupils in wider curriculum events throughout the year.

At Violet Way Academy we wholeheartedly aim to prepare children for life in modern Britain which links in with our focus on character education. We value the ethnic and cultural mix of our society and undertake a variety of events, lessons and assemblies to celebrate and extend our children’s knowledge and understanding.

What do the 'Fundamental British Values' look like in our school?


Pupil voice is embedded in the life of the school through:

  • Voting in the classroom - voting for class responsibilities, setting reward activities, voting for the class reading book, debating questions
  • School council members are elected through democratic voting
  • Questionnaires - about teaching and learning, well-being, after visits, or special events
  • Pupil views are taken into account when new clubs are being considered
  • Pupils are listened to and are expected to listen to and respect the views of others

The Rule of Law

An understanding of British Law is developed through our curriculum and assemblies. Our Golden Rules ensure our community is a safe and respectful environment for all, promotes positive relationships and excellent behaviour.

  • Each class displays the Golden Rules and knows how they apply in all areas of the school
  • Playground games - children are encouraged to develop and agree the rules together
  • Following rules in PE and understanding why these are important
  • Visits from members of the community, such as PCSO and the Fire Service

Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect

Our pupils are encouraged to make choices in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment
  • As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young children to make choices safely
  • Our approach to behaviour management supports the children in making informed choices through conflict resolution processes
  • Our Forest School activities provide children with various opportunities to make choices about adventurous activities in a safe environment
  • Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through E-Safety, PSHE lessons, class assemblies and circle time activities
  • Children are offered choices about after school clubs

Respect and Tolerance of Different Beliefs and Faiths

Through our curriculum and special events children are taught to understand and appreciate the diverse culture in our society. This is explored through:

  • Our Values
  • Assemblies
  • RE and PSHE lessons
  • Involvement with the local community e.g. Harvest Festival at the Church, visits to local places of worship
  • Planning activities around national and world celebrations or events e.g. religious festivals, raising money for charity, Remembrance day, Harvest, Diwali, Eid
  • Developing an understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination - The school works with outside agencies and participates in national events to promote inclusion: School Nurse Team, Safer Internet Day, Anti bullying week