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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


Curriculum Vision

To find out more about our curriculum, please get in touch via our 'contact us' page. Our Accessibility plan can be found under our 'Policies' tab
At Violet Way Academy we intend that all pupils, regardless of background, develop the knowledge and character needed to flourish in life. We aim to ‘inspire all to excellence’ through the provision of:

  1. A rich, broad and balanced curriculum presented in a vibrant, exciting and imaginative manner, enriched through a range of meaningful experiences.
  2. A character education that runs through all that we do, nurturing and fostering the values our pupils need to thrive as individuals, ready for the next stage of their education.  

Every pupil at the Violet Way is encouraged, and supported, to ‘Reach for the Stars’ and broaden their ambitions, irrespective of their background or their individual circumstances. Our broad and balanced curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is enriched with an excellent Forest School provision, specialist teaching, bespoke parental engagement events, visits, visitors and extra-curricular activities. Through our curriculum provision we intend to provide our pupils with memorable and meaningful experiences realised through well planned, differentiated, creative planning and high quality inclusive teaching.

Specialist teaching is a significant feature of the Violet Way. Our Forest School leader plans and delivers regular Forest School sessions for all pupils. All pupils receive weekly music lessons from a professional musician from the ‘Rock It!’ music company. In their music lessons at Violet Way, children learn to appreciate, compose and enjoy music as they become a Caribbean steel band or a Keyboard based pop band!

Curriculum Drivers

Five key drivers form the backbone of our curriculum with each being built around the most significant areas of need for our children and our community. 

Aspirations – We want our pupils to have high aspirations for themselves and others. We want them to be confident, independent and persevere in the face of challenge.

Collaboration - We want our pupils to be able to build respectful relationships, communicating effectively with each other and working together towards shared goals in a supportive climate.

Connections – We want our pupils to make connections between prior knowledge and new learning. We want them to make connections between their experiences at home, school, within the community and the wider world.

Creativity - We want to inspire our pupils, opening their eyes to what the world has to offer. We want them to justify and think independently, presenting their understanding in creative ways.

Expression – We want pupils to effectively communicate their ideas, thoughts and opinions verbally and in writing. We want them to ask questions and express their individuality.

Curriculum Intent

Our school vision and values, curriculum vision and key curriculum drivers have informed the content we expect children to learn at Violet Way Academy. We use the EYFS Framework and the National Curriculum as the basis for our Violet Way Academy Curriculum. Each subject’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and towards agreed end-points, as identified on the academy’s Progression Grids for each subject. Our curriculum builds on prior knowledge and prepares pupils for what comes next. 

Please use the navigation panel to explore our curriculum pages and read our detailed Curriculum Policy to find out more about our curriculum offer at Violet Way Academy, including our curriculum content and how we teach our curriculum. 

Curriculum Enrichment

Following feedback from parents, we have produced a Curriculum Enrichment document (please see image below or click on the attachment to view a PDF version). The document provides parents with an overview of our curriculum enrichment events and activities for the year, including parental engagement sessions, curriculum days and whole school events. We hope that our parents find this useful. Please note that some dates or events may be subject to change if there are any changes in circumstances, but we will always inform parents as far in advance as possible if this is the case.